*-SPINESHANK knocked me back a step I was
new to all the bands and ready for fresh meat AND LO and behold
ROADRUNNER calls me and asks if id like to cover this gig! when
we got there, mudvaynes bassist introed me to their producton
manager and hooked me up with a pass for them as well .
we spoke to SPINESHANK's drummer
and their singer --that guy fuckin rules! his long powerful
voice emits raw emotion and fury in several different octaves
at the same time. when we interviewed him he was so laid back,
onstage he and the rest of the group are frenzied madmen bouncing
to the hard hitting infectious groove.the bus had a family atmosphere
complete with kids, moms, and toys which immediately said"
real people ahead!" Their music could be at times described
as the soundtrack to insanity while escaping the asylum.definitely
not for the ungracefully aged,unless you like it raw hard and
hypnotic. those guys were the coolest ...great cd NEW DISEASE
go out and buy it..... you need a dose of adrenalin daily and
they supply ample quantities of ferocious raw power.great singer,
SPINESHANK will be back with ozzfest this summer so hook up and
see em..thanx Amber and Heather for giving us the almighty finger
of one! and visiting US METAL.COM
Jack Shmurr,the
old wild dog sound monkey prompted me to see mudvayne,
who'd a figured this from a guy who swears
by polo shirts and runs sound for paul revere and the raiders...
but that's another scandalous panty clad tale in its own right.
nuthIn like a group of women in their sexual peak running after
mark lindsay...he must build a mighty, tee-pee in his trousers.
on his "reservation" like i said thats jack's tale of
tail... so heres mine....
Have you ever been experienced?" that
was a question a long time ago asked by a man who changed the
face of rocknoll forever-
MUDVAYNE is The new faces of music. a mind splintering meltdown
of fantastic riffiage and relentless drumming led by the primal
screamings of their bar scarred and bloody singer whose urgency
is answered back in a torrent of non stop barricade breakers like
waves of human flesh pounding the beach over and over- ive seen
it all from kiss to gwar and for once a
group whose demonic looks intrigue
me and their talent supercedes the gendre.
anyone my age dissagreeing with me can use your tool to clean
your ears out and open the doors of your tiny little mind NOW
is now... baby and the people we influenced are taking over.
its time to get cleansed
and mudvayne are here to wash out your ears..they have woven a
uniquley artistic and intricate style of what reminds me as slayer
based metal taken to the extreme left
...their bassist fuckin spelled me ,...i have not seen a band
that uses such an avant garde approach and makes it as hard hitting
and anal reversing as these guys and while he moved around like
a spaceoid jungle native.the bass player fuckin amazed me. the
red guy.. the guitar player was freeeeeeky man.. his eyes all
white using his guitar as a rthym instrument makin sounds- very
cool i liked that about both of em they used their instruments
different and after a milion shred heads its fun to see a painter
use a different brush , so to speak. and at the end of the night
during Disturbed's set- they were back at the t-shirt stand
signing autographs.. SPINESHANK hung out and took fotos with fans
in the roseland grille. VERY COOL! that sort of stuff just doesnt
happen with people who block themselves off from the fans. something
most pretentious wouldn't consider but that wasn't the case with
this entire tour i have covered hu
of tours and shows over the years ,the feeling all the way around
was commaradrie. Every band said something good about each other
onstage and people, thats what makes the world spin,.. it is refreshing
(havin been on the short end of that stick too many times with
an aging pretentious headliner who needs THE ENTIRE FLOOR of the
roseland dressing room, )( we did have the elevator motor closet
to change in...though...)
point being, the show last night is what rockn roll is all about
to me. the bands killin em onstage and then hangin out meeting
the fans or in reality "friends"because on these crucial
groundbreaking tours you need to make friends, its nice to finally
see people WORKING...it for a change, im a sicko i ove people
and- i
like transactions in the store-
because i like the exchange i like promo and publicity because
it fills a need to help someone get known and when they are willing
to help you do yours..its a beautiful thing mama..at last people
who recognize the publicity value of my tv show and website....until
MTV want ya -- i am here.....
hurray there is a cosmic lanlord. please check back for more rebiews
of this show and fotos coming soon, also stories on PANTERA, MORBID
ANGEL, CANNIBAL CORPSE and m ore .check for.showtimes for usmetal
Mudvayne and Spineshank
interview with the
check back for more on this showa
if your wewre
at the show and
YOUR OWN REVIEW ? DO IT IN AN E mailto:news@usmetal.com
we'll cut paste
and post it "as is"(so dont let matt type it>>>>>>)``````````
metal news VOL 1 APRIL 14 2001