press, pass,photpass,backstage,access,interviewer,reporter,writer,journalist.reviewer,

John Boyd age 37 14 years experience photo effects specialist print prep expert writer interviewer

Press accredation

John is a contributing associate of MCCOMA ENTERTAINMENT publicity division including, usmetal tv, and photopit magazine online(where the pictures tell the story) we Guarantee the photos will be availble by the contacting label, pr firm or ad promotional agency within 1-3 days and a story, or review of live performance will be posted within 24 hrs of the event - John Has Been a Photographer and photo effects specialist for 14 years covering a variety of subjects and interests. If you like we can prepare it for print or whatever specs you desire.-

and now.. the answers to our most popular questions

USMETAL.COM -Approx 1,1mil people visit per month online since 1998 the site is home to all of our services as well as my catalog of music I've produced since 1979 on my vanity label usmetal records, Wild Dogs, Dr Mastermind,Mayhem& Mentors Church of El Duce(our archives are stored there, as well as resource info for the dyi bands. usmetal news, various earlier editions of our concert coverage.

USMETAL-TV covers 1.543 mil cable subscriber homes in a 50 mile radius of the Portland Oregon whenever possible we shoot the acts , and edit a highlights into a video tr if the audio is good we boost it and use it, or we show the video footage MOS and the host describes his experience. (Motorhead, Gwar, Mudvayne, Megadeth,Armored Saint,Nashville Pussy,DIO,Blue Oyster Cult,Hatebreed, Damageplan,Buck Cherry, Alice In Chains,Alice Cooper,Dokken,Great White,Hardline, are some of the acts we've covered during our 14 year run. the shows air 6 times per month if permitted and submitted in writing we will also upload a clip to our area as well as respect your requests for the variables on the youtube site(sharing,etc. some groups love the coverage, some don't-

PHOTOPIT online is our newest venture, and interactive webmag fed by a number of reporters in a growing number of major cities-Chicago Ill (Angela Stratford ) San Francisco Ca(Blaine Newman) Imajudin NL(Paul Van Rijswicjk) Roma It(Anthony Drago) and we welcome more.

thi ssummer we've covered Wacken Open Air- a major German fest for metal, Itzehoe (4th year covering that event ozzfest,rockfest,vans warped tour,Headbangers Open Air(Ger) and are waiting for the stories to come in - by sept all of that willl be online.

we do these services as a fan and serious hobby while having a great time providing entertainment and publicity

Matt Mccourt


associated iwih the mccoma entertainment group.- Matt McCourt